How Many Home’s Does it Take to Find the Right One for Me?
Did you know a long long time ago, in a past not that far far away that Buyers had to view 30+ properties with a Realtor to find the right home? Craziness!
Great news! A fantastic tool came along called, The Internet. Along with the invention of the internet Realtors could now enter listings for Sale into the MLS with photos and information for Realtors and Buyers to have a First Showing of a property. When you view a property online, it’s your first impression and your first actual showing of a property. Buyers can view 10 to a 100 homes online and narrow down their choices. Having listings available at your fingertips makes it easy to rule out properties that will obviously not work before even going an seeing it. The average person sees 5-10 Homes at the most before finding the right property for them!
Tips to Remember When Looking for a Home Online :
1. “Ooh My. Is that Lime Green?” ~ Keep an Open Mind. Paint and Carpet, can be changed and replaced. So can that avocado green tub….I would know.
2. “There’s only 5 Photos. What’s wrong with it?” ~ Keep in mind, Selling a home can be a very emotional process for some sellers. That Antique Doll Collection may be worth a lot of money, but the sellers didn’t want to pack it away or have it photographed. In that case, ask your trusty Realtor if they have any additional information.
3. “Oh! I LOVE IT! But wait, where’s it at?” ~ Can you say FIELD TRIP? Get used to taking random drives thru neighborhoods. Pack up the Family and the Pooch and take a road trip thru the area. Is it too close to a main road? Is it in a Cul-De-Sac? What size is the driveway? Does Doctor Suess live next door? Get a feel of the neighborhood, and hey, if you run into a neighbor pick a brain.
4. “Okay. I found 4 House’s that I want to see, what now?” ~ Call your Realtor and set up a showing tour! Give your Realtor a time when you’d like to see the properties, keeping in mind, the Realtor does have to schedule with other Realtors, and Sellers/Tenants so be a little flexible.
Now, Go Forth and Conquer!
Up Next on Buying a Home 101 :
~The Age Old Question, What in the World is Earnest Money?
Acknowledgement : Doctor Suess House Photo by Jovell Rennie